When buying a real estate, particularly an apartment in a multiple dwelling, it is highly recommended to find out the detailed information on the building (construction year, damage rate (if any), number of floors, types of floor decks, to view the photos, and etc.). The mentioned information will increase awareness and help you to coordinate while choosing the real estate to buy.
We offer legal services to avoid difficulties which often occur in the process of registration of the sale-and-purchase and lease of real estate. The skilled professionals with years of experience will organize deals of any complexity within short timeframes, making a prepayment, forming the principal agreement and final settlement, and acting as a representative, if necessary.
Any real estate announcement on the website can undergo preliminary appraisal by an appraisal specialists. It is possible to organize presentation with participation of an impartial specialist-consultant, if necessary.
Legal counsels and lawyers cooperating with our website may provide prime legal services in acquisition, rent, alienation and lease of real estate, as well as in other legal relations unrelated to real estate.
When finalizing sale-and-purchase and lease of real estate it often becomes necessary to translate documents or involve interpreters in the process of the deal. For this purpose we offer the help of the skilled specialists with years of experience in the field of translation, who cooperate with our website.
During and after the purchase or lease of real estate it often becomes necessary to find out whether the area can be used for the required purposes or not, and if so to make the necessary planing of the modeling, remodeling, interior-designing of the area. For this purpose we offer the help of the skilled specialists with years of experience in the field of architecture and design, who cooperate with our website.